Square Footage .org

1 Square of Siding = 10 feet X 10 feet = 100 Square Feet

What is a "Square" of (House) Siding?

Siding Square Calculator

A "square" is a unit of area measurement used in House Siding (specifically Vinyl Siding) that equals one hundred (100) square feet. 1 Square (of House Siding) = 10 feet X 10 feet = 100 Square Feet

Siding Squares Calculator

(Height x Length) / 100 = Siding Squares
(1 Square = 100 Square Feet = 100 SqFt = 100 Sq.Ft. = 100 sq.ft. = 100 ft2)
Square Footage Calculator Square Footage Calculator

Directions: Enter inches into the calculator below. You can use this square inches calculator to calculate siding square inches or any other square inches needed (like: roofing, carpet, etc.) You can also use this tool to convert inches to feet and calculate square feet.

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